Bint Al Huda IPLS Centre in ThiQar has provided another IPLS course training seven medical staff. Well done to Miss Khitam and all candidates.
Bint Al Huda IPLS Centre in ThiQar has provided another IPLS course training seven medical staff. Well done to Miss Khitam and all candidates.
Five IPLS candidates were trained at Bint Al Huda Teaching Hospital. There was great candidate feedback. Well done to Miss Khitam and the IPLS team, and congratulations to all the candidates.
ThiQar keeps providing regular IPLS courses, and has just finished another course in March. Many thanks to the great efforts of Miss Khitam, and well done to the candidates.
Bint Al Huda Teaching Hospital in ThiQar continues to provide IPLS courses regularly. On the 14th and 15th of November three doctors and three university nurses took the course. Well done to Miss Khitam, the IPLS team and all candidates.
One more IPLS course is completed at Bint Al Huda Hospital in ThiQar. Well done to Miss Khitam and all candidates!
More great work from the team in ThiQar. The course was run on the 4th and 5th of July. Well done!
Bint Al Huda Teaching Hospital provides its first IPLS course of 2018. Well done to Miss Khitam for all the hard work and congratulations to all the candidates!
The Ministry of Health in Iraq has officially thanked instructors at CWTH, ThiQar and Misan. This is testament to the great work that all IPLS instructors are doing. It is heartening to see that our work is being recognised in this manner and we appreciate the official support the IPLS course, faculty and instructors are […]
The team at Bint Al Huda Teaching Hospital In ThiQar have completed another IPLS course. Once more we thank them for their hard work and congratulations to all candidates and instructors.
Well done ThiQar IPLS for completing another course. Keep up the good work! Congratulations to all new IPLS providers.
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